Lactate test in laboratory (treadmill running, cycling) - 100 €

Lactate and ventilation test in laboratory (treadmill running, cycling) - 130 €

Field testing - 130 €

Metabolic energy pathway testing 1 - 150 €

Measurement of sport-specific characteristics - please contact


Sports enthusiast, a training plan and follow-up provided, follow-up in the basics, does have a training goal - 160 €/month.

Recreational athlete, performance tested typically three to four times a year, a training plan provided, does have multiple training goals - 320 €/month.

National level athlete, performance tested once to twice a quarterly per year as a follow-up - 480 €/month.

International level athlete, performance is tested continuously as a part of training, coached multiple times during the week - 1280 €/month (plus 5-15 % of the winning prize).


Webinar - 120 €/hour

Conference presentation - 450 € (3 hours max)

Coach to coach - please contact

Laboratory services - please contact

* Typical price levels, please contact for more information

1 Laboratory or field testing with lactate and oxygen consumption measurement. Capacities of phosphagen, glycolytic and oxidative systems are estimated based on measurement, VLamax is calculated